Monday, March 30, 2009

What did you say?

I can't believe these words came out of my girls' mouths..............


They made homemade banana bread and brownies today.
This is not an inherited trait they got from their mother by any means.
For now, there will be no complaining on our part.
We will just enjoy every minute of it until they leave for college in the Fall. YUM!!!!!


Renée said...

Baking... hmmmm.. baking.... that isn't really a familiar word around your house is it? What is going on over there?? I bet I know- too much Sarah Pimentel rubbing off on you- well not on you maybe, but it is somehow making it's way in your home. Congrats and keep it up!

ps- you know I love you and I KNOW you can cook- I actually saw it happen once. Don't worry though, I won't tell Russ. :D

AubreAnn said...

Where DID they get that from? Why don't any of the girls in our family, like to bake? Blame it on grandma- I blame her for a lot :)